
About Us

Monie Nieuwdorp B.V. was founded in 1983, after a division of Gebr. Moerdijk & zn. into two separate companies. Marinus Moerdijk continued carrying out the activities of the company with his oldest son Wim Moerdijk. They started the new company as MOerdijk NIEuwdorp. Recently another member of the Moerdijk-family entered the company. Eric Moerdijk, the youngest son of Wim Moerdijk has the ambition to manage the company in the future.
Monie has developed into a company which sort and pack approximately 40,000 tonnes Dutch onions annually. Until now, Monie is not only in search of extension on quantity, but especially in quality! The company vision is that continuity and sustainability of the product are very important.


The company aims to be able to provide onions of First Class Quality year round. This is possible due to a very close cooperation with a group of growers. Furthermore, sophisticated store facilities and computer controlled drying facilities are present, by which the product can be set to a correct temperature and relative humidity very rapidly. Beside the well known yellow onions Monie also has First Class Quality red onions in the assortment. Since 2010 we cultivate and pack pink CRIMSUN for J.P. Beemsterboer Handelsmaatschappij.


Monie focuses on drying, sorting and packaging of onions and provide only Dutch customers (exporters) in The Netherlands. We do not export ourselves. If you are interested in our quality onions, please contact us. We will give you a list of exporters we do bussiness with.


Our Certificates


Our products

The onion (Allium cepa L.) is a plant that has been eaten since human remembrance. An onion can be used as an ingredient in all kinds of dishes and moreover, a lot of healthy properties are attributed to this plant. Up to a few years ago, mainly the well-known yellow onions were grown in The Netherlands. However, the area of red onions increased more and more recently.

Beside the well-known yellow onions, Monie also has red onions in it's assortment. Year round we deliver first-class yellow and red onions. Since 2010, we also grow and pack pink onions (CRIMSUN) for J.P. Beemsterboer. Due to a close co-operation, the excellent class I pink onions can be deliverd to all destinations around the world.

For more information about the Dutch onion industry, visit the following web site:  www.holland-onions.org


Monie provides onions in a lot of different packages: from 500 gram pre-pack units up to 1.200 kg "Big Bags". Our yellow onions can be packed in our well-known orange "Monie First Class Quality Onions" bags with a golden band. Red onions present themselves superbly in the red "Monie First Class Quality Onions" bags with a silver band.


Of course we are capable of packing every thinkable sorting and weight in every packaging. If you prefer for us to pack the onions in your own packaging, we are ready to supply our onions in your bags, with your own label. We have been supplying a lot of exporters for many years this way, and we can promise a product you can trust and which reinforces your image!

25 kg bale, on pallet

25 kg bale, on pallet

The biggest bale in the house is the 25 kg bale, here palletised on a wrapped pallet. Pallets can also be provided with corner supports, and even in a combination of both supports and wrap.

pre-pack bags

Pre-pack bags

several weights and labelling are possible

Bales with gold or silver banding

Bales with gold or silver banding

several weights possible, especially suited for our yellow or red onions



Monie has its own fleet of trucks to transport the onions from the field or from onion storages of growers. Our own truck drivers with more than 25 years experience in transport of onions guarantee that the product is transported very carefully. Harvesting of onions and transport directly from the field generally takes place with our own tractors. These tractors are also driven by own employees who have affinity to the product. The tractors are also used to transport the onions in the proximity of Monie. During the recent expansion of Monie, we moved the sorting- and packaging-compartment to another hall to create more space for the supply of onions. Because of the altering of the intern logistics, the supply of onions happens more quiet and much more efficient.

Drying & conditioning

When the harvested onions are stored, the onions are immediately conditioned in computer-controlled drying facilities. Carefully drying of the product is very important to obtain the First Class Quality. We try to harvest the onions "green" to keep the outer skins from the field. After drying, the outer skins are released during processing, and a very nice colored onion remains: the Monie First Class Quality Onion!.


After conditioning of the harvested onions, the leaf and root parts which are not removed during harvesting are cut off by a "onion topper machine". This process generates an organic rest product of dried leaf parts and outer dry onion skins, which are composted. Directly after cutting off the root and leave remains, a first quality control takes place. Rotten bulbs and clods are removed. Mostly the onions are stored in boxes, but if they are ready to be processed the onions go to the sorting- and packing-compartment directly via a conveyer. To make the onion topper machine work more continously we placed a storage bin with a 3000 kg capacity.


All common sortings (pickles (28-40 mm), small size (35-50 mm), middle size (40-60 mm, 45-65mm, 50-60mm en 50-70mm), big size (60-80 mm) and super size (75-105 mm)) can be obtained and packed. Of course other sortings are also possible, please contact us and ask for the possible sortings. In consultation we try to make your wishes reality! Because of the spacious possitioned sorting- and packing-compartment and the big capacity of the sorting-machine we can prepare the orders very quickly. Packing different kinds of onions at the same time is also possible due to the presence of two storage bins.

Quality control

The different sortings and quality classes are selected by competent employees. They have many years experience in selection of a First Class Quality Onion. All employees are familiar with Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and Food Safety.


After the sorting and selection the onions are mostly packed in bags or bigbags directly.


Monie has its own loading dock for trucks very close to the sorting & packing compartment. Monie is located very close to the harbour of Vlissingen wich affords benefits when the onions have to be transported overseas.

sustainable and high quality



Cultivation / purchase

Monie has its own agronomist who accompanies growers cultivation a First Class Quality Onion. During the cultivation of the onions Monie does not focus on quantity, but quality. With many years of experience in onion cultivation we grow and sell cultivars with an excellent skin consistency, color, hardness and sprout rest. Each year, test fields are set up to keep informed of quality differences between the onion cultivars which are available on the market.



Monie is aware of the possible detrimental impact of pesticides on the environment. Therefore we minimize the use of hazardous pesticides. Moreover, Monie stimulates the application of Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
About 70% of our growers has been GlobalGAP certified. Monie is able to provide GlobalGAP certified products to guarantee that the onions are grown under environmental-friendly conditions. Please contact us if you are interested in GlobalGAP certified products. We can send the certificates digitally by e-mail.



In order to bring and maintain the product at the highest possible quality level, we work very closely with a large group of growers. Monie has a onion area of approximately 200 hectares in cultivation with various growers in the south west of the Netherlands.

Monie Nieuwdorp B.V.

Hertenweg 61
Telefoon: 0113612845
E-mail: info@monie.nl


Eric Moerdijk: eric@monie.nl

Sales and administration:
Kees Meerman: kees@monie.nl

Cultivation advice and purchasing:
Kees Smalheer: inkoop@monie.nl


© 2025 Monie Nieuwdorp. Realisatie en hosting: Van der Westen ICT